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Words I hear mispronounced all the time:
Peripheral: "per-if-ree-al"
Ambidextrous: "am-bi-dex-tree-ous'
Nuclear: "noo-kyoo-ler"
Asphyxiate: "ah-fix-ee-ate"
Similar: "sim-yoo-ler"
Cache: "ka-shay"
Goldschläger: "gold-schlog-er"
Framboise: "framm-bwah"
Coup de grâce: "koo-de-grah"
Habanero: "ha-ben-yair-oh"
I don't want to correct people, because that's dickish. So I just vent here instead.
Granted, those last four aren't in English, but I still hear those mispronunciations constantly.
Espresso Specific ....