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I'm sorry, I don't have any answers for you. But I'd be happy to share some of my questions.Thoughts
420 5 a accelerated adult adventure advice album alone aloof amendment answer apostrophe appearance attraction bad bambi band bird birthday black blackout blog blood blowjob boots break brief brother butt captaincrunch catharsis certain challenge chase cheat check child christ circumcision clip close cloud coffee color come comfort comma compassion conspiracy content control controlled cookie crazy creep crow crust cutesy d dead death decay delete disappoint disappointed distraction doubt drained dream driving drool drowning earwax emo end ether event everybody eyecontact facebook fall fascism fear feel fight fightclub flush fly focus foreboding forgotten freakshow freedom fuck game gas gauge ghost giraffe girls glass glasses glitter goal goat gone halloween hangover hawkins head headache healthcare heavy help hercules homestar horny horrify hot hottub house i id idea igloo inauguration injury interest irony isolation itch jail jealousy jesus jives keys knife label late laugh life locker lookout looming loss loud love lucid makelove man matter meditation meet memory mermaid metadream military mischief misery mispronounce monday most mother mourning movie murder music need negative neighbor nervous newyear nipple offline open order pain panties parking peeves penis people pet phone pigeon pills piss please pleased poly prego procrastination profile project pubes queer quirk rain rape reckless recover relationship religion remember rescue resolution respect ripple ritual roadkill ruin s safe salad scent secret sex sexism shake shark signal single sleep smell smile smiley sneaky sorry sos sound speed spell spider spite spy stage stairs steam stereo sticker strong stubborn sucks suicidal suicide summer syrup tea teach techsupport tempo text that theft through throwing tidy time toilet too torture trailer trouble trump tshirt twilight uncompassionate unexplainable unhealthy unity unwise update urinal urine urk vacation vagina valentine vegetarian vigilante villain violence virgin virginity vomit wallet wander warm wash webcam week white who wisdom wish words work worry wreck xavier yellow zipcode zombie