
View Thinker #97172b's profile thought 15 years, 2 months ago...

the final sun set in the west, melting from yellow to orange to red to blood that spilled down the streets in torrents and waves as threads were cut and projects completed and the final lingering harbingers of sin left unscathed to wander the alleys over the preceding months finally met the end promised by...

in the last moments came death screams echoing down alleys, simultaneously reaching my ears from various directions as i cast about seeking proof or denial or safety or doom and as usual found nothing but the disembodied cheshire cat grin perpetually floating along at my side or back or front, all teeth and glowing eyes, restricted to simplicity but capable of...

as dusk led to night and night led to the blackness reserved for tombs all the towns became constellations strung together by rumor and myth, given power by those who believe, apt to leap forth from the confines of earth to fly headlong through the heavens in search of the solace promised them at birth only to find that none exists, that there is no peace but...

familiar, the watcher of dawn stands away from this righteous carnage, fearful and anxious as he ponders an offer of aging, too shy for the loneliness he thinks, too human to consider recycling and resting, too curious about eternity and those who roam it, too few years past to consider the multiples and exponents required to reach the end, a quiet place inhabited by...

was love my sin? no; no.

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