
thought 2 years, 3 months ago...

I want you to know
That you were enough.
That I wish you were here.
Even if you’d never made music, had never written poetry, never left anything behind in this world. You were always enough.
I will never know why you hanged yourself; maybe the world was not enough. Maybe it was too much. But you were enough. You were never too much.
I want you to know that you are not forgotten. Not because of your talents, but simply because of your heart. That was enough. So long as I live, you will live within me. Within all the lives you touched.
Because in all your 26 years, you were enough. I don’t know if you knew that, when you stole away your oxygen, and all the unmade memories with it. But I hope you know now, that you were enough, simply for breathing. Simply for being. You were and will always be enough to have been loved, to still be loved, and to never be forgotten by those who were blessed enough to be in your existence. I am sorry if we were never enough to keep you here… but you were enough to keep me here… thank you for always being enough.

Boy, you could never be good enough for me. I know I flirt, I know I joke, but let's face it. You're the opposite of the kind of guy I need.

I just want you to know that.

And now we can keep talking, because it is pretty fun.

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