It'sthat haze that keeps you just far enough unnecessary protection....I too can drink excessively and onceI start it’s nearly too hard to stop while I’m ahead and so I’ve gonecold turkey which I do far too often with far too many things and hereI sit half a bottle of peach schnapps and two and a half six packs in my system trying hard not to get behind the wheel and pick up something with alittlemorebite something as comforting as whiskey. I doesn’t helpthatIcan’tsleep and alcohol is one of the very few things thatwill eventually and inevitably knock meout.
It's that haze that keeps you just far enough unnecessary protection....I too can drink excessively and once I start it’s nearly too hard to stop while I’m ahead and so I’ve gone cold turkey which I do far too often with far too many things and here I sit half a bottle of peach schnapps and two and a half six packs in my system trying hard not to get behind the wheel and pick up something with a little more bite something as comforting as whiskey. I doesn’t help that I can’t sleep and alcohol is one of the very few things that will eventually and inevitably knock me out.
It's the quick fix that keeps drawing me back in.