
View Thinker #277dd3's profile thought 16 years, 10 months ago...

I recently discovered I am a lot happier not thinking of my friends in a sexual way. I'm about 10 or 11 years too late to become a castrato, which is almost unfortunate? I think if someone had asked me then if I wanted to snip snip I would've given them a firm "no" though. And I mean, I am almost a counter-tenor anyway. I dunno. I wish I could just turn off my sex drive for a little while, you know? I feel like my sexual frustration has lost me friends in the past. And I frankly am not even sure I wanna have kids. I guess I won't know that one until the time comes. If it comes.

View Thinker #000000's profile

From what I understand, the sex drive can pretty much go away if left unstimulated. Forgo masturbation and start regular meditation and you can pull this off.

As for the kids thing, you can always get a vasectomy. I'm looking into the same thing.

View Thinker #277dd3's profile

Interesting. Thank you, sir! I mean, I guess I tried the meditation over sex drive thing like sophomore year, but I was also 15 then, so I guess that's at least part of why it didn't work.

View Thinker #000000's profile

Ha! Yeah, as in all things, don't give up because success didn't come soon enough. You have your whole life to get things down right.

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