Thinker: View Thinker #277dd3's profile
Color: #277dd3 "bluish"
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Today, I have realized that I know myself only as well as you do. And that is strangely comforting.Thoughts
1337 17 230 256 302 427 7 886488 aarp action advice album alcohol algebra amazing amebix anger angry anxiety anxious appearance aquarius aries art ass asshole awesome awkward ayahuasca babe badthings ball band bands banjo bard batman beard bernard bestfriend bestfriends bitch blue blunt body bodyhate bombs bother boyfriend breakcore broken brother butishouldnt canisestinvia care cats chakram closer closure color combinations concept concerts conclusions confession conflict connection cookies crass creatures2 crips crush crushing crust cry cuddle cupid cute cyberpunk cynicism damn dark death defense delilah delusional dennis diabetes disgust distraction door doubt drama dream drunk edhardy electronics emo engaged epiphany ether etherpg eunuch everyone exercise extremes facebook fag fall falseaccount fame farah fault favoritething fear feelings ferngully fight fingereleven fire fired fixed flag florida freakout frexx friend friends fuck fucked fuckyoufriday game ghost girl glowstick gold gone gothprom gpoyw green grid grime guilt guitar guitarcenter hands happy harassment hate heart heroin hey heyeveryone hiv home hope horrorsaurus hungry idislike igetit ilikeyou inandout interestingsituation invalidate irony island it jaguar jazzband jazzbox jazzmaster jealous jenny jihad josephlewislucas justmiss kara karaoke kenley kidney kitten knives knutsack lame laura leaving lie loneliness longing love luck madame makeout marijuana me michigan midget mindblowing mindfuck mirror mixcd mixtape mosquito mountaingoats muse music musician mutualfriends nerd night nightmare nineties nobutreally nope nostalgia nothing nye ohyeah openmic opposite order otoh paranoia phantom phi philosophy pie pigs pinkeye please poetry pokemon polygons pomegranate positive prom publicenemy punch quanta quin rage rain rape rats reaffirmation realize really realscience reentrance regret relationship relaxdrank religion reload remember reminder resentment resolution ridiculous ring roanokefiddlefest sad salval schoolgirl secret secrets self sex sg shit sick simplicity singing skagirl slut smile snow sobergirl song soy story strangelove subconscious success suicidal suicide superbestfriend supergroup superhero talktothosegirls tamagotchi tarzanboy tea teamdresch telecaster terrible that theedge theeye thefirst theone threesome time tng today tongue tonight trachea trees triforce trust truth tubthumping tumblr tumblrcrush turquoise twelve ugh uhoh ulcer unholy us vacation valley version visionquest voice vulnerable waiting walltowall wanted warcraft ward web weed weight weird weirdo white why will win wise wonderfulgirl words work world worst worthless xanax xiyouji yellow yopo youdthink zelda