
thought 4 days ago...

Tonight I saw the Aurora with my naked eye, and instantly my heart beat with the rhythm of youIf you were still alive, and if you were here with me, I would have grabbed your hand and ran with you to the most shaded patch of grass where we would collapse and lie side by side with our gaze towards the sky. I can imagine the smile on your face. I can almost feel the warmth of your hand in mine and the press of our bodies side by side. I feel the deepest platonic love beating in my heart, echoing your name.
I don’t think anyone but you could lay there with me and have the same endless stars and colors reflecting in the glimmer of your eyes. I don’t think anyone but you could love that sky in the same way I did tonight.
You and I? Whatever our souls are made of- we have always been the same.
Even if you’re not here anymore, the Aurora will always bring you back to me.
Those colors and those stars- maybe that’s what your soul is made of.
In life, an entire ocean set us apart, and the Aurora was something only you were lucky enough to see.
In your death, maybe it was you who finally carried them here to me.
Maybe it was all a phantom caress from your soul, a whisper of your existence in mine.
You beautiful ghost made of stardust and solar storms… I love you.
If I ever dream of you again, I hope I find your hand in mine, and I hope when I turn my face towards yours, I find your mouth tilted with a gentle knowing smile. I hope I look into your eyes and find them filled with the entire night sky, spilling tears the colors of the Aurora.

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