
View Thinker #277dd3's profile thought 16 years, 2 months ago...

So lately I've been having random, semi-philosophical thoughts at like 4am. I say semi-philosophical because "philosophy" isn't quite what it is. I almost wanna say "lucidity" but that's certainly not right either. The other night a question finally surfaced as a conscious thought that I'd kind of been ignoring. Me and one of my close friends are of similar mindsets (or rather, mindsets that ultimately lead to similar issues). We are not people who will be happy as long as we think the way we think. The main difference is, she doesn't realize it because she doesn't really allow herself the time for introspection. Anyway, I can't decide which of us is worse-off, strictly regarding this question: regarding self-awareness and the quest for happiness, is it worse to be stupid or ignorant? She is ignorant to the fact that she pushes her happiness away, whereas I understand it but don't really have the will to change myself, which is patently stupid. I'm not going to share my uninvited psychoanalysis with her. She's not one to take attacks on her self-awareness very warmly, and that's exactly how she'd see it (and to an extent it's how I see it). I don't think it would even help her much anyway, I'm no doctor. I guess that invalidates any assertion I've made, at least legally.

View Thinker #000000's profile

"regarding self-awareness and the quest for happiness, is it worse to be stupid or ignorant?"

Ignorance can be fixed. Stupidity, generally, cannot.

"She is ignorant to the fact that she pushes her happiness away, whereas I understand it but don't really have the will to change myself, which is patently stupid."

On the contrary, you're just unaware (ignorant) that you DO have the will to change yourself. Or you're in denial that you don't actually want to change, which is neither ignorant nor stupid, but just a personal disposition.

View Thinker #277dd3's profile

Well I guess it's kind of a laziness thing then... I do want to change, but I don't want to do the work to change. And I tend to lump that into stupidity.

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