
View Thinker #277dd3's profile thought 15 years, 1 week ago...

No mas bluntos! I can't deal with them, I can't deal with WEED anymore, I mean, if it sent me to the place it sends me and I still had memory of it, then maybe. But really, all THC does is burn up my precious endorphins. On the other hand, it's pretty cool to be stuck in a tunnel of philosophy and then discover that David Bowie is on TV. It's not cool, however, to literally see the tunnel itself. I don't know how to not tunnel anymore! I am stuck in dualist mode, I need to break that before I can be happy with myself. Our culture almost demands us to be ditheist. Good and evil. Someone tried to explain yin and yang to me like that! But good and evil are not the way of the universe. Good and evil are the constructs of human beings. They don't exist outside of human minds, which isn't to say they don't exist! I'm just not sure they would if we didn't feel forced to divide ourselves into two groups. Male and female, straight and gay, hawk and dove, liberal and conservative, bullshit, bullshit! Why does any of that really matter? The world is so full of color, but all we're allowed to see is black and white. I will never soften my mind.

View Thinker #77406d's profile

I can't smoke weed anymore, either, and I miss it. Good and evil, right and wrong, do exist as much as any construct of ours exists. Some constructs are terrible, but I'm thankful for others. The only reason any of us can drive anywhere in any reasonable amount of time is because we all agree to the illusion, the human, social construct of traffic laws. It's up to us, as a progressing (however slowly) society and nation to weed out the unfair, outdated constructs (you know, the ones we consider evil and promote the good.

View Thinker #277dd3's profile

Oh certainly, we need our constructs! Without the "evil" of greed we wouldn't have any economic progress, without fear we wouldn't know when to stop, without rage we couldn't evolve. All of our emotions are sacred! It's just so hard to remember, you know? Everything we consider "evil" is necessary to be human. Wisdom, Power, Courage. For a long time I was focusing on the former and latter, disregarding Power. But that's like pretending to be fearless! Which I also did. All three are so important, we need to learn to embrace them all! But now I'm just pontificating; I admit this is habitual.

View Thinker #000000's profile

<counterpoint>Plants evolve without rage.</counterpoint>

View Thinker #277dd3's profile

Plants also don't have the capacity for higher thought (or any thought, actually). Plants ALSO have natural selection, which has basically ceased to be a part of our culture.

View Thinker #000000's profile

Was natural selection ever part of our "culture"? What do you mean by that? And whose culture?

You can't just ambiguously whip out these academic terms like that. :)

View Thinker #277dd3's profile

Culture pretty much replaced natural selection. It became cultural selection; disregarding emotional attachments (and basic humanity), it's not too different from selective breeding. People tend to stay inside of their cliques and classes. There are always exceptions though. Additionally, with medical science continually progressing, natural selection in humans and domesticated animals is less and less prominent. I'm sure I could write a long, boring paper on this, but I'd have to outline it. I also am kind of talking out of my ass. It's like 50/50 right now.

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