
View Thinker #315370's profile thought 5 years, 5 months ago...

I don't get it cant you see the only person i thought about was you. And yes i miss you. I think about the night we had out first kiss. And you had to make the first move.

I always think back to that night cause you were my first but now when you think of me i mean less then dirt.

I would gett butterflies thinking about the way you hovered over me and i think back to the nights when you came up from be hind and just held me.

I miss those days when it felt like you actually fucking cared. Those were the same nights that i would just look up and just stare

Straight in to your eyes. And in them i thought i saw you and i thought you saw me too. So then tell me why i was the only who ment it when i said "i love you"

Dont make promises you cant keep and try to only say shit that you mean. Cuz when it comes to your word its the only thing. Cuz what you say leaves a mark and then later on youll say "i shouldnt have said that" and for some reason i alway fell for it and came back

I told you that same phrase. And you still showed me your word ment nothing. But i showed you i meant mine and all it broght me was suffering.

I stayed with you when no one else would. I wanted to marry you but i knew i never could.

They say love is blind they're right i couldnt see, how when i was with you i was starting to loose me.

See we just couldnt match up. No matter how much love i give. In the end i was just your side bitch.

I just wanted you to prove your word and showed me you loved me again. But i guess that thought was just way too absurd.

I cant belive you were almost the father of my kid. I didnt think that through cuz wouldnt help with any shit.

Part of me was glad it didnt work out. But im not gonna lie i still walk down to that isle and wonder what would happen if i became a mother to a child.

And the shit hurts and its painful but its real. Im saying shit i mean and its makin me feel surreal

See all of this comes naturally all the rhymes and pain and sorrow. But unfortunately sometimes i wonder if there will be tomorrow.

But i stay anyway because even though i dont 100% belive in love i still dream of that day.

The day where i send my kids off to school and i watch them fall in love and start breaking all the rules.

I have many wishes and a big one is this.

That when my kids fall in love they will know what happiness is. And they can hold on to it until there is no end. I pray that when they go to bed that night they wont think about how it should be the last night. I hope they never think about taking there own life.

I hopw they see a tomorrow and not wonder if its gonna come. But i hope they know that if that day shows up i can be their shoulder to cry on.

View Thinker #315370's profile thought 5 years, 5 months ago...

I don't get it cant you see the only person i thought about was you. And yes i miss you. I think about the night we had out first kiss. And you had to make the first move.

I always think back to that night cause you were my first but now when you think of me i mean less then dirt.

I would gett butterflies thinking about the way you hovered over me and i think back to the nights when you came up from be hind and just held me.

I miss those days when it felt like you actually fucking cared. Those were the same nights that i would just look up and just stare

Straight in to your eyes. And in them i thought i saw you and i thought you saw me too. So then tell me why i was the only who ment it when i said "i love you"

Dont make promises you cant keep and try to only say shit that you mean. Cuz when it comes to your word its the only thing. Cuz what you say leaves a mark and then later on youll say "i shouldnt have said that" and for some reason i alway fell for it and came back

I told you that same phrase. And you still showed me your word ment nothing. But i showed you i meant mine and all it broght me was suffering.

I stayed with you when no one else would. I wanted to marry you but i knew i never could.

They say love is blind they're right i couldnt see, how when i was with you i was starting to loose me.

See we just couldnt match up. No matter how much love i give. In the end i was just your side bitch.

I just wanted you to prove your word and showed me you loved me again. But i guess that thought was just way too absurd.

I cant belive you were almost the father of my kid. I didnt think that through cuz wouldnt help with any shit.

Part of me was glad it didnt work out. But im not gonna lie i still walk down to that isle and wonder what would happen if i became a mother to a child.

And the shit hurts and its painful but its real. Im saying shit i mean and its makin me feel surreal

See all of this comes naturally all the rhymes and pain and sorrow. But unfortunately sometimes i wonder if there will be tomorrow.

But i stay anyway because even though i dont 100% belive in love i still dream of that day.

The day where i send my kids off to school and i watch them fall in love and start breaking all the rules.

I have many wishes and a big one is this.

That when my kids fall in love they will know what happiness is. And they can hold on to it until there is no end. I pray that when they go to bed that night they wont think about how it should be the last night. I hope they never think about taking there own life.

I hopw they see a tomorrow and not wonder if its gonna come. But i hope they know that if that day shows up i can be their shoulder to cry on.

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