
View Thinker #ffffff's profile thought 6 years, 1 month ago...

When I start gaining control
They tell me I’m losing it
Through otherswords, I tell them about my hole
But they don’t believe it
I shoot for understanding
Though my thoughts are constantly trampled
My voice and feelings dwindle
and evaporate into the ears of an unresponding air
When I start gaining control
I get pushed into muddy disbelief

We could grow together
We are so green
We could laugh together
We know what’s funny!

We could cry together
We know real pain, sadness
We could see together
There’s so much light

We could run together
We have endurance

We selves could grow together
We are so unique

We could ____ together
Shouldn’t we?

The rain is irresistibly comforting to me as it patters away the deathly silence of the screaming night.

View Thinker #32993f's profile thought 12 years, 11 months ago...

Off into the evening with my sins unrepented the message ever clearer as the powers were relented trusting in my pieces to bring me to a whole tightening the strings as i feel myself regain control.

View Thinker #000000's profile thought 16 years, 3 weeks ago...

I'm starting to understand a bit more what my 'deal' is.

Because there are traumatizing things that have happened in my past that I couldn't control and can't seem to fucking get over, I'm compelled to exercise control over everything in my present environment that I possibly can. This comes out as small, innocuous rebellions like how I dress, how I speak, what items I carry on me, and how I want other people to act, but it's also the reason why I feel like I have to have absolute control over myself. It's all an attempt to win a million imaginary battles every day with my demons.

The men who murdered my brother may never present themselves for me to confront, so I project my need to fight them onto everything else in my life, and prepare myself constantly for a confrontation that, in my mind, will happen any second, because I desperately crave that catharsis.

And because everything that I've ever done that I regret just echoes through my mind constantly, reminding me of all of my avoidable failures, I feel like I'm constantly fighting to destroy inferior past-versions of myself.

View Thinker #77406d's profile

Hey, me too. Minus the brother part, add "And I tend to slip into a mania that keeps me awake for days, and then I use street drugs to sleep and spend five minutes just being, without picking myself apart."

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View Thinker #5f1f0a's profile thought 16 years, 11 months ago...

How the hell do you do that? Why is it that when I talk to you I have no control over what I say? I can't say no to you. I wonder sometimes if you realize how completely honest I am with you, and how completely uncharacteristic of me that is.

I guess this could be a little dangerous because you could ask me just about anything, and I'd give you an honest answer, but I trust. you. In fact, I think I might like it. It's nice to be completely honest with someone.

Anyway, it will be interesting to see where my limits are. What question won't I answer even for you? Hmmm, this should be really interesting.

View Thinker #ff0066's profile

Sadly, I know the feeling... I think it is part of being human, that weakness we have for some people.

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View Thinker #f5253f's profile thought 17 years, 3 months ago...

Starting today,

I control my life.

No more feeling like I am being pulled along.

I am in control.

If I don't control my life, who does?

Starting today, I follow my own goals.

I prove to myself that I AM IN CONTROL.

No more cutting. Ever.

I will eat healthy food.

I will exercise.

I will walk through the woods whenever I want.

I will meditate.

I will be a better person.

I am in control of my life.

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