
View Thinker #ff00cc's profile thought 13 years, 11 months ago...

I got rid of my porn. and all the dirty posts i wrote on here when i was a freshman. i need to get laid. the are cobwebs in my vagina.

View Thinker #0080ff's profile thought 16 years, 10 months ago...

Quick Question... Why is being a female who watches porn looked down upon more then a male? Is it the same reason why there is a double standard for woman who have multiple sexual partners aka a "slut"?

View Thinker #daa10c's profile

because female sexuality is not to be talked about, expressed or felt.

View Thinker #0080ff's profile

Ah... okay... It all becomes so clear.

View Thinker #000000's profile

Heh. Yeah, females are supposed to be reserved about their sexuality in Western culture. Sex is something that women are supposed to be coerced into, not something that they take any overt interest or initiative in.

View Thinker #5f1f0a's profile

Eff western culture. If I want to talk about sex and the like, then damnit, that's what I'm going to do.

View Thinker #0080ff's profile

"lets talk about sex" cue gasps.

Actually I talk about sex a lot with one of my friends who is also a girl. We for some reason have sex talks often and basically whenever we see each-other. It's an interesting friendship. And I talk about sex often with my best friend who is a guy. Perhaps it should be this way, but for some reason many of my friends confide in me their sex secrets. Perhaps it is the fact that I'm blatantly open about all things sexual? Eh, whatever. I feel it's necessary to talk about sex. If you dont there is something wrong with you.

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I was once a hardcore porn addict, I watched it at least 50% of the day... I didn't even masturbate all the times I watched it, I just liked watching it. I quit it with sex.

Quite a fair trade, I do beleive.

View Thinker #990000's profile thought 17 years, 7 months ago...

I don't know which makes me hate myself more.... the fact that I watch it, making me more like my father, or the fact that I think it's wrong, even as I'm watching it.

View Thinker #adb9f2's profile

I guess porn is a safe release for some people. A way to experience things they wouldn’t normally in life. I’m all for escapes from reality. Shame acquired from watching porn is just another form of mind control. Something we have all been taught to suppress when it’s our nature to seek it. It’s not a shameful thing. It’s not a dirty thing. It’s part of who we are and there’s no way to beat it. Watch as much porn as you want it’s not hurting anyone and it certainly doesn’t mean you’re following in the footsteps of anyone other than your own. Our sex drive being instilled in as at birth. I myself find it extremely boring. But hey to each their own.

View Thinker #000000's profile

If you search yourself and can't find a good enough justification for something to be considered "wrong" or "unethical", and you want to do it, then do it with confidence. Be especially suspicious of any feelings of doubt and 'dirtiness' if they're enforced by a culture with sexually repressive, puritanical roots.

And I think it's silly to feel bad about porn making you more similar to your father. It's making you more similar to 80% of men with internet access, so if you think about it, it's likening you to a lot of people that you probably admire, too.

View Thinker #990000's profile

good points, and thanks for the uppers guys.... and the reason it makes me feel bad is that I feel guilty watching porn because in my mind it almost seems like a messed-up form of cheating, even though the porn is completely superficial and my relationship is not.... but I'm sure i will get over it.... to me at least it is much more right to watch porn and have feelings of guilt than to be doing those things with my girlfriend; I've not had success in the past with sexual relationships and want to avoid them, for now at least

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